What We Do

Let’s Give us your Helping Hand

Egalitarian Society

Since Independence, our nation’s leaders and architects have dreamt of creating an egalitarian society with balanced growth. In spite of various measures put in place by successive Governments, achieving a well-balanced growth in physical and social infrastructure continues to remain a distant dream. Providing quality education for every single child is the only way of achieving our developmental goals, as sustainable development can begin only with education. Giving an opportunity and a better platform for learning will not only protect the child’s future, but in-turn will lead to transforming our society and nation.Nawm Charitable Trust is one such initiative that aims to provide quality education and equal opportunities to the under-privileged children. Nawm Charitable Trust, which denotes “A”, the first letter in all languages thrives to bridge the gaps in providing high quality education, for the rural children from interiors parts of Tamilnadu.

Our Mission

" Arise..! Awake..! and stop not until the goal is reached "

The Trust

Our mission is taken forward by our trust backed by the following accomplished individuals

M.R.S Suriya

Founder Trustee

M.R.S Suriya

Founder Trustee

M.R.S Suriya

Founder Trustee

M.R.S Suriya

Founder Trustee

M.R.S Suriya

Founder Trustee

Our strategic planning advisory body

This is the strategic planning committee of the foundation. They are the members who strategize the operations and plan for the various programs that benefit the students of Nawm Charitable Trust. Regular meetings help to evaluate the progress and effectiveness of the programs and provide direction as to what can be accomplished in the future.

Correspondent for Thai Thamizh Thodakkappalli, Tindivanam.Co-ordinator for Palangudilrular PadhukappuSangam, Human Rights Activist and Educationalist.
Mr. Prabhakalvimani
She is a former Vice-Chancellor, Manonmaniam University & Chairperson, Tamil Nadu State, Women's Commission, Chennai Chairperson of the Institute of Human Rights Education and former Chairperson of the State Commission for Women.
Dr.V.Vasanthi Devi
Psychological consultant Founder of Anchor Self Help Access (ASHA).She serves as Consultant to many schools and conducts workshops on Parenting Skills, Counseling skills, Interpersonal Skills and Study Skills among other areas. She is also a prolific writer and well-known TV commentator.
Mrs.Brinda Jayaraman

Your Small Help will #change a life